Hai welcome to hamutaro. I named this website hamutaro because i was listening to the hamutaro intro as i made this. Remember this site is always a wip and i suck at coding

About me + the website ....

Hiii! If you didn't see the main warning page, this is Hamutaro, a website I made to try and practice HTML and CSS coding. It's been a passion of mine since I was really young (6 or 7 years old, I was in an elementary coding club :3) and since it's summer and I have a lot more free time, I feel like now would be a great time to start on a project like this, and I can continue updating it throughout the year!

My name is Dice. I'm an autistic disabled 14 year old who's birthday is in 15 days as of making this! I use he/him pronouns and I'm a self proclaimed Yumenishi with a boyfriend. ^_^

Generally, I don't know what else I could add to this ... I'm thinking I'm just going to focus on trying to build a good layout for each page that I think is cute and then start worrying about what each page's purpose can be!

Some other fun facts about me .... i dunno honestly. I Love my boyfriend and I am annoying :3 My specialty. is being Annoying. lel

My special interests are Pop'n Music, Puyo Puyo/Puyo Pop, Mobile-Idol Rhythm Games (IE: Hypnosis Mic, Ensemble Stars, D4DJ, Bandori) and The World Ends with You. I like a lot of other things but I can't really be bothered to list them right off the bat.

I love music. I'm probably going to put music players on each page with a song/some songs that remind me of the pages theme and stuff. Otherwiise I hope you like the website as I make it! Any advice would be great 2. :3